TIFF software for OSF/1?

From: Dave Newbold <phdmn_at_siva.bris.ac.uk>
Date: Sun, 05 Feb 1995 01:18:26 GMT


Does anybody know of software running under OSF/1 v3.0 which will allow us to
display TIFF graphics files, and/or convert them to postscript?

Every utility of this type seems to require the de-facto standard 'libtiff',
which just doesn't seem to work under OSF... it builds OK, but will only write
TIFF files, not read them, it seems.

I'm not asking anybody to plough through the library source, but if someone out
there has already got it working, I'd be glad to hear from them!

Summary pending responses... TIA.


   The opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of any other person
                     or organisation. So don't sue them.

    dave.newbold_at_bristol.ac.uk / dmn_at_vsnhd1.cern.ch / newbold_at_vxcern.cern.ch
Received on Sat Feb 04 1995 - 20:18:38 NZDT

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