Re: FTP anonymous on OSF1

From: <>
Date: Mon, 06 Feb 95 12:40:46 +0200

Hi Joel,

basically, you don't need additonal software for anon. ftp.

here are the instructions:

    1) add user ftp to /etc/passwd
    2) create ftp home dir owned by ftp that cannot be written by anyone
    3) create a bin directory under the ftp home, owner root, not writable
    by anyone
    4) copy the ls program to bin, chmod it to 111
    5)create an etc dir, owner root, not writable by anyone. place a
    special passwd and group file there
    6) create a pub dir chmod 777, where you can exchange data. if you want
    readonly chmod 444, owner ftp
    7) add entry anonymous:*:<free_group_number) in /etc/group
       create ftp_home/etc/group file with only this entry
       create ftp_home/etc/passwd with only an ftp entry in it like
    ftp:*:uid:gid:Anonymous ftp:/home/ftp:
    chmod 444 to both files
    if you use shared library files, you have to create an usr/shlib dir
    and place the files needed in there. chmod 555 to them.
hope this helps

                Kobi Gover
                Software Support
                Multivendor Customer Services
                Digital ISRAEL
                Phone: 972 (0)9 593130
Received on Mon Feb 06 1995 - 05:42:34 NZDT

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