SUMMARY: HPLJ 4M+ question

From: Alaric S. Haag - IMRlab System Manager and part-time Visigoth <>
Date: Mon, 06 Feb 1995 16:54:20 CST

Original question:
        Concerned problem getting text files to properly print on networked
        HPLJ 4M+ in which no carriage return appeared between text records.

This was a truly easy one (as I suspected...) and it is documented
(humble apologies!). I missed it because I was not using the provide
PC-based software, so I think I skimmed that part...Enough excuses!
The solution!

Thanks to:
From: MX%"SLOANE_at_KUHUB.CC.UKANS.EDU" 6-FEB-1995 13:20:53.88
From: MX%"" 6-FEB-1995 13:47:14.29
From: MX%"" 6-FEB-1995 14:36:51.44
From: MX%"" 6-FEB-1995 16:26:33.61
From: MX%"" 6-FEB-1995 16:34:47.68

as well as anyone whose response temporally follows this summary.

As detailed below, my printcap needed to specify:

        :rp=text:\ instead of "rp=lp"

In fact, the rp symbol should be assigned "text" for a text file
queue and "raw" for a PostScript/HPGL/PCL queue. All works well now!

Note: One reply suggested a problem with the "xs" symbol. I had
succeeded with the "rp" change before it arrived, so I didn't
attempt to pursue it.

Thanks again to the members of a _great_ list!!

[ Alaric S. Haag, Computer Manager             ]
[ Louisiana State University, Mech. Engr. Dept.         FAX:   (504) 388-5924 ]
[ Baton Rouge, LA 70803                            Opinions:   (504) 388-5897 ]
        "Waiting to die is no way to live" - from "Dreams" by Kurosawa
=======replies follow===========
Subject: Re: HPLJ 4M+ question
In-reply-to: Your message dated "Mon, 06 Feb 1995 11:00:39 -0600 (CST)"
To: "Alaric S. Haag - IMRlab System Manager and part-time Visigoth"
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT
>         :rp=lp:\
Try changing this to:
and see if that helps.  The HPLJ has several different queues built
in. The lp and raw queues just print things exactly as they arrive,
while the text queue adds carriage returns after every line feed, or
so I have been told.
USmail: Bob Sloane, University of Kansas Computer Center, Lawrence, KS, 66045
E-mail:, Phone: (913) 864-0444, FAX: (913) 864-0485
From: Alan Sherlock <>
>        :ct=remote:\
>        :fc#0177777:\
>        :fs#040:\
>        :lf=/usr/adm/lperr:\
>        :lp=:\
>        :mc#20:\
>        :mx#1000:\
>        :if=/hplj/laser:\
>        :pl#66:\
>        :rm=bqlptr1:\
>        :rp=lp:\
>        :sd=/usr/spool/lpd:
Somewhere in the docs for the printer it lists the on board filters.
You should set rp=text to get the cr after every line.  
From: "Doug McPherson (617) 441-4565" <>
Subject: Re: HPLJ 4M+ question
Message-ID: <>
X-VMS-To: IN%""
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT
I'm spooling to an HPLJ 4M+ with an Emulex card in it from my osf/1 v2.1
system.  No  problems.  Attached is my printcap file (it's been a while
since I set it up & I got it originally from a SunOS system, so please
don;t ask me to explain any of it, ok?  ;^))
From: Jim Wright <>
To: "Alaric S. Haag - IMRlab System Manager and part-time Visigoth"
Subject: Re: HPLJ 4M+ question
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
> print without performing
>                          a carriage return
>                                            at the end of each line.
>         :rp=lp:\
this is the problem.  the net card has two "remote printers" in it.
one accepts and prints raw input; the other puts CR in after LF.
i'd tell you just what to use in addition to "lp" for a second
print queue, but i have a different card in my printers.
(they use rp=PASSTHRU and rp=TEXT.)
Jim Wright                   Keck Center for Integrative Neuroscience        Department of Physiology, Box 0444
voice 415-502-4874           513 Parnassus Ave, Room HSE-811
fax   415-502-4848           UCSF, San Francisco, CA  94143-0444
From: (Robert L. Urban)
Message-ID: <>
Subject: re: HPLJ 4M+ question
Hi Alaric,
What you need to change is the "xs" entry in your printcap. It is probably
set to "xs#044000", and I suspect you need "xs#044002" which turns on
newline to carriage-return/newline mapping (ONLCR). This is documented
in /usr/include/termios.h.
-rob urban
Received on Mon Feb 06 1995 - 17:50:35 NZDT

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