From: <>
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 1995 07:39:24 -0900

Greetings -

I originally asked about rcstime and rcsstat listed in table 6-2 (section 6.5
Using RCS of the Programming Support Tools (AA-PS32C-TE)) appear not to exist
on any of my systems and provided the following:

$ man -k rcs
ci (1) - check in RCS revisions
co (1) - check out RCS revisions
rcs (1) - change RCS file attributes
rcsclean (1) - clean up working files
rcsdiff (1) - compare RCS revisions
rcsfile (5) - format of RCS file
rcsfreeze (1) - freeze a configuration of sources checked in under RCS
rcsintro (1) - introduction to RCS commands
rcsmerge (1) - merge RCS revisions
rlog (1) - print log messages and other information about RCS

$ man rcstime
There is not an entry for rcstime.
$ man rcsstat
There is not an entry for rcsstat.

$ setld -i | grep -i rcs
OSFRCS300 installed GNU Revision Control System (Software


Dr. Tom Blinn, 603-881-0646" <>:
|>You're right, they don't seem to be there. I suspect that it's a
|>documentation error. They weren't there in V2.0 or V2.1 either.
|>You probably didn't load them when you configured the system. See
|>if you have a version of the OSFRCS kit loaded (with setld -i).
|>If this doesn't make sense, "man setld".

Hellebx Knut <>:
|>You might get a hint from the release notes or from 'setld -i
|>OSFRCS300|grep man'

Randy M. Hayman
Received on Tue Feb 14 1995 - 11:38:49 NZDT

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