SUMMARY: automount weirdness OSF/1 v3.0

From: <>
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 95 08:38:26 EST

Recently I described problems where alphas would hang with the msg:

NFS2 server [node-you-are-on] not responding still trying

and where systems would come up without automounting dirs, where a kill of
automounter and restart would bring the automounted areas up.
The areas we're trying to mount are odd, because of the following:

>We have nodes 1-7, which hard mount /usr/local from node 8.
>These nodes 1-8 then automount a number of remote directories from a single
> remote host's partition. An example of the on nodes 1-8 is:
> /usr/local/src/dir1 -rw,intr remote_node:/export/home/R4D/dir1
> /usr/local/src/dir2 -rw,intr remote_node:/export/home/R4D/dir2
> .
> .
> /usr/local/src/dir14 -rw,intr remote_node:/export/home/R4D/dir14
>Nodes 1-8 also automounts other remote directories, which always come up when
>access is requested, as specified in auto.home. However, the above-mentioned
>set of directories never come up after a reboot, when requested, unless you
>kill the automounter and restart it.

According to, the "NFS2 [localnode] server not responding"
msg is due to the following:

>That's its nice way of telling you that the local automounter is
>hanging. The automounter hooks itself up like an NFS server (as far as
>the kernel is concerned), so that when the kernel tries to contact it
>and gets no response, it blurts the timeout message to the console.

Regarding the automount dirs not mounting, I received several solutions,
which follow. I used the one which involved modifying /sbin/init.d/nfs and
/sbin/init.d/nfsmount so that automount starts *AFTER* nfs, and that seemed
to work. Thanks for all the help!!!

Judith Reed

>Not far ago I also had a problem with this. If you want to make hierarchical
>automounts - this is not supported by Sun-like automounts. I tried :
> node1:
>/dir node2:/dir
>this goes OK
> node3:
>/dir node1:/dir - goes OK
>/dir/dir1 node2:/dir/dir1 - not supported as told me by DEC !
>I solved this problems using symlinks.
>This may be a bug in automount, but it depends on your version of OSF/1 V3.0
>With OSF/1 V3.0 everything goes OK. Sometimes I got this message, after
>I killed automount process and restarted it again, or made
>/sbin/init.d/nfs stop/start. Then you need to reboot !
>If you have OSF/1 V3.0B ( see uname -a ), it has a bug in automount and
>you need to get a patch.


>This sounds similiar to the problem I had when I went
>from 1.3 to 2.0. To fix on 2.0 (and probably 3.0) you
>need to play with the nfsmount scripts. Seems that the
>automounter is being started before the nfs disks are
>mounted. As far as I can tell, automounter calls the
>mounts and places some kind of special marker on the
>directory. Then the nfs disks are mounted over this
>and boom, you got trouble. Thats why automount seems
>to work fine if you kill and restart it.
>Here are my quick hack fixes for 2.0. You may need
>to make changes for 3.0..... (note - I didn't have to make changes - J.R.)

>Note: I used
># begin jrw hack
># end jrw hack
>to show my changes.

>In /sbin/init.d/nfs
>comment out the parts that start the automounter......


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# _at_(#)$RCSfile: nfs,v $ $Revision: $ (DEC) $Date: 1993/12/21 20:38:48
# (c) Copyright 1990, OPEN SOFTWARE FOUNDATION, INC.
# OSF/1 Release 1.0

export PATH

# Default configuration for NFS parameters

# Read configuration for NFS parameterS
if [ -f /etc/rc.config ] ; then
        . /etc/rc.config
        echo "ERROR: /etc/rc.config defaults file MISSING"

case "$1" in
        set `who -r`
        pid=`/bin/ps -e | grep portmap | grep -v grep | sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/
.*//' | head -1`
        if [ "X$pid" = "X" ]
                if $PORTMAP; then
                        echo "ONC portmap service started"
                        echo "Unable to start ONC portmap, NFS service unavailable"
        if [ $NONROOTMOUNTS != 0 ]
                MOUNTOPTS="${MOUNTOPTS} -n"
        if [ $PMAP != 0 -a $NFSSERVING != 0 ]; then
            if /usr/sbin/mountd $MOUNTOPTS; then
                    echo "NFS mount daemon started"
                    echo "Unable to start mount daemon service"
            if /usr/sbin/nfsd $NUM_NFSD; then
                    echo "NFS export service started"
                    echo "Unable to export NFS service"
        if [ $NUM_NFSIOD != 0 ]; then
            if /usr/sbin/nfsiod $NUM_NFSIOD; then
                    echo "NFS IO service started"
                    echo "Unable to provide NFS IO service"

# begin jrw hack
# Removed cause must have nfs mounts before we automount
# if [ $AUTOMOUNT != 0 ]; then
# sleep 10
# if /usr/sbin/automount $AUTOMOUNT_ARGS; then
# echo "NFS automount service started"
# else
# echo "Unable to provide NFS automount service"
# fi
# fi
# end jrw hack

          [ no other mods to this file...]

> In /sbin/init.d/nfsmount, add code to start automounter after nfs.
# * All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved under *
# * the copyright laws of the United States. *
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# * The software contained on this media is proprietary to *
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# * by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set *
# * forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, *
# * or in FAR 52.227-19, as applicable. *
# * *
# *****************************************************************
# (c) Copyright 1990, OPEN SOFTWARE FOUNDATION, INC.
# OSF/1 Release 1.0

# Mount nfs filesystems

# begin jrw hack
# added following lines for automount addition

export PATH


if [ -f /etc/rc.config ] ; then
        . /etc/rc.config
        echo "ERROR: /etc/rc.config defaults file MISSING"
# end jrw hack for automount

case $1 in
        echo "Mounting NFS filesystems"
        /sbin/mount -a -v -t nfs

# added automount startup, cause mounting on nfs trees
        if [ $AUTOMOUNT != 0 ]; then
                sleep 10
                if /usr/sbin/automount $AUTOMOUNT_ARGS; then
                        echo "NFS automount service started"
                        echo "Unable to provide NFS automount service"
        echo "Unmounting NFS filesystems"
        /sbin/umount -Af -t nfs
        /sbin/umount -b
        echo "usage: nfsmount {start|stop}"
Received on Fri Feb 17 1995 - 08:39:10 NZDT

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