Dear Managers:
I am trying to install DECNET on our Alpha 3000/400 running OSF/1 3.0.
I am not much of a DECNET expert. I was able to get it up and running
on our DEC MIPS WS(PHASE IV) so we could communicate with our sole Microvax.
So now I am trying to install PHASE V our on Alpha workstation.
Anyways, as you will see, the installation failed. We do not have a DNS
server at our university, which has many machines running DECNET PHASE IV
but not PHASE V. I have a DECNET installation and configuration manual
but it hasn't helped me yet. Here is the script file of the attempted
Script started on Fri Feb 24 14:03:02 1995
# /usr/sbin/decnetsetup basic
Node Synonym: edu
Phase IV Address: 1.177
Phase IV Prefix: 49::
Network Devices: ln0
This system will autoconfigure addresses.
This system will be a DTSS clerk.
This system will be a DNS clerk in the nucaxp namespace.
Do you wish to complete this DECnet/OSI configuration? [continue]
Modifying defaults file.
Creating Initialization NCL scripts
Modifying /sbin/decnetstartup
Updating /var/dna/dna_version
Modifying /sbin/decnetshutdown
Event Logging ...
Creating /var/dss/dns/dns-names
Starting DECnet/OSI
ncl>> create csma-cd
Node 0 CSMA-CD
AT 1995-02-24-14:04:12.950-06:00I-----
DUE TO: Error specific to this entity's class
REASON: Already Exists
Description: Already Exists
ncl>> create csma-cd station csmacd-1 communication port ln0
Node 0 CSMA-CD Station csmacd-1
AT 1995-02-24-14:04:13.014-06:00I-----
DUE TO: Error specific to this entity's class
REASON: Already Exists
Description: A Station with this name already exists
Datalink ... Routing ... NSP ... OSI Transport ... Session Control ...
Attempting to contact local DNS server...please wait.
Failed to contact DNS server. Retrying...please wait.
Unable to contact DNS server on local LAN.
What is the network address of the server? [No Default] 1.10
Attempting to contact remote DNS server...
Getting server data, please wait...
Could not get information from server. Both Phase IV and Phase V
connection attempts failed. Use the following information to help correct
the problem.
Could not connect to remote Phase V server
Could not connect to remote Phase IV server:
dcp: can't open "1.10::SYS$LIBRARY:DNS$NS_DEF_FILE.DAT", Access control rejected
Unable to contact remote DNS server.
decnetsetup terminated.
Any help is appreciated. 1.10 is our DECnet router for our subnet not a
DNS server.
Sherman Owens
Unix Systems Administrator
Wash. Univ. Sch. Med.
St. Louis, MO
Received on Mon Feb 27 1995 - 09:56:15 NZDT