xhost permissions (summ. & followup)

From: <risler_at_cgmvax.cgm.cnrs-gif.fr>
Date: 10 Mar 95 11:53:35+0000

Following my question "how can I give permanent access to remote computers"
I received several answers (thank you) suggesting to add
xhost +
in my .login or .cshrc or .Xresources or .....

Dave Dittrich <dittrich_at_cac.washington.edu> was particularly concerned by
this solution, stating that this is equivalent to shout that my system is
open to everybody, and suggested to use rather the auth and Magic_Cookies

In the meantime, I used xhost to define several remote machines
xhost +goofy
and discovered that the names of those machines are then stored in my
.Xdefaults file and not in X0.hosts as stated in the man page for xhost.

Anyway, I'm surprised by the following thing: it seems that ANY user can
define his/her own authorized machines for remotely using his/her account
(this makes sense) but that there is no centralized gestion of the
permissions, which seems to me extremely dangerous!!

Do I miss something?

Thank you,


Jean-Loup Risler Tel: (33 1) 69 82 31 34
CNRS Fax: (33 1) 69 07 49 73
Centre de Genetique Moleculaire Email: risler_at_cgmvax.cgm.cnrs-gif.fr
91198 Gif sur Yvette Cedex France
Received on Fri Mar 10 1995 - 05:53:59 NZDT

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