SUMMARY: putpwent() Question

From: <>
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 1995 07:33:16 -0900

My original post:

------- Forwarded Message
Greetings -

While this may not be specific to Alpha OSF/1, it may be due to our running
Enhanced Security also, and there may be some interrelations I don't know

I have a routine which is intending to modify information in /etc/passwd for
an account. The problem is that after I call putpwent, I end up with two
entries for the account in question (only in /etc/passwd). Below is a code
fragment. What am I missing? BTW, I have no problems with the tcb database

thanks. Summary pending responses.

Randy M. Hayman

#define PWD_FILE "/etc/passwd"
FILE *pw_fil;

        pw_fil = fopen(PWD_FILE, "r+");

/*--------------------username exist?-----------------------------------*/
        if (NULL == (upr = getpwnam(name)) ) /* /etc/passwd */
                fprintf(stderr, "Error getting entry for %s. User likely doesn't
exist (passwd).\n", name);

        if (NULL == (pr = getprpwnam(name)) ) /* tcb database */
                fprintf(stderr, "Error getting entry for %s. User likely doesn't
exist (tcb).\n", name);

/*--------------------get user data and change it-----------------------*/

        upr = getpwnam(name); /* /etc/passwd structure */
        pr = getprpwnam(name); /* tcb database structure */

        strcpy(old_home, upr->pw_dir);
        old_uid = upr->pw_uid;
        if (old_uid != pr->ufld.fd_uid)
                fprintf(stderr, "/etc/passwd uid field %u does not match tcb uid
field %u\n", old_uid, pr->ufld.fd_uid);

/*--------------------write it out now----------------------------------*/
/*--------------------to both /etc/passwd and tcb database--------------*/

        if (0 == putprpwnam(name, pr))
                fprintf(stdout, "\n\t***Failure to Update Account (tcb)***");
                fprintf(stdout, "\ntcb Account: %s Old UID: %u New UID:
%u\n", name, old_uid, new_uid);

        if (NULL != putpwent(upr, pw_fil))
                fprintf(stdout, "\n\t***Failure to Update Account
                fprintf(stdout, "\npasswd Account: %s Old UID: %u New UID:
%u \n\tOld Home: %s New Home: %s\n",
                        name, old_uid, new_uid, old_home, new_home);


------- End of Forwarded Message

I received but a single response from, inquiring
if the hashed passwd databases are fooling me. No, unfortunately not.

The work-around (haven't yet determined if putpwent() is doing what it is
designed to) which I now use is as follows:

while getpwent from /etc/passwd !NULL
  if (user I'm looking for)
  putpwent to tmp_passwd

mv tmp_passwd /etc/passwd

Randy M. Hayman
Received on Fri Mar 10 1995 - 11:32:18 NZDT

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