SUMMARY: LAT & PolyCenter ConsoleManager

From: <>
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 1995 14:53:46 -0900

I originally stated that:
|>I'm having some unfortunate problems attempting to use PolyCenter
|>Console Manager on my OSF/1 v3.2 DEC 3000-300 (via LAT to a DS200
|>which has a DEC 7000-620 console attached) and crashing my system.

The solution was a patch that was already created by LAT engineering
for OSF/1 v3.2. I got the patch via DSNlink, and all's better and
working just fine.

Thanks to Cathy Pitt (Digital CSC) and Scott Ruch (DEC OSF/1 LAT Engineering).

Randy M. Hayman
Received on Tue Mar 14 1995 - 18:54:28 NZDT

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