We have a campus software license grant with Digital; this gives us a
flat fee for all non-royalty software.
We wanted to install DCE, primarily to use DFS and solve some major
filesystem problems.
However, when we installed DCE, we needed a license PAK for the DCE
security server. This wasn't in the CSLG, and later discussion with
our salescritter reveals that it's a royalty product and thus we must
pay ~$1000/seat or somesuch for the license.
Allegedly, DCE will not install without this PAK.
I'm wondering if anyone else has found a work-around for this, or
knows of a way to install DCE/DFS without the security PAK.
Dirk Grunwald Asst. Prof, Univ. of Colorado at Boulder
Received on Tue Mar 14 1995 - 19:40:47 NZDT