Experiences with DEC-Safe

From: Mike Godsey <mgodsey_at_medio.com>
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 1995 13:32:25 -0800 (PST)

I've received the latest Alpha OSF Complementary Products disk and
it includes "DECSafe" which looks like it may be
good for our redundancy needs:

"The DECSafe Available Server product significantly reduces downtime due to
system hardware or software failures. It provides multihost access to SCSI
disks and a generic failover mechanism for network-based services (for
example, NFS, mail, and login) and applications (for example, DBMS).
Failover is accomplished using a set of daemons to monitor the state of
systems in the environment and an infrastructure for moving services from
one node to another. System managers can also use this resource migration
capability for planned shutdowns before maintenance cycles and load
balancing during peak performance demands."

My question: Does anybody have any experiences with this yet? It sounds
similar to a suit of products (SwitchOver/UX) I was familiar with on the HP-UX
platform. I'm interested in knowing how well it works, any caveats, config
nightmares, etc...

|  Mike Godsey                         mgodsey_at_medio.com           |
|  On-Line MIS                         (206) 867-5500 x286         |
|  Medio Multimedia, Inc.                                          |
|  Redmond, WA                                                     |
|  <A HREF="http://www.Medio.Net/users/mgodsey/">Mike Godsey </A>  |
Received on Thu Mar 23 1995 - 16:33:00 NZST

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