Thanks to for helping me out with this one.
My problem was I was trying to put a 3-disk RAID 0 disk set on a DEC 2100
4/200 w/ SWXCR and OSF/1 3.2 into LSM (boy, talk about acronyms).
LSM's GUI would not let me do it. If I had a label on the disk, it would let
me define the disk but any attempts to add it to a disk group would say
'private regions are invalid.' If I tried to init it, it would give either a
disk write failure (with label) or invalid device path (without label).
Well, Alan suggested I use 'voldiskadm' which is a command line menu tool
to certain LSM operations (like creating disks 'n disk groups).
At first, that did not work either:
Initialization of disk device re5c failed.
Error: Error: New partition layout for partition Q (start -1 end -3)
overlaps with other partitions in use.
New partition layout for partition q (start -1 end -3) overlaps with other
partitions in use.
The fix for me was to just specify the disk as 're5' vice 're5c' which
indicated the whole disk anyway.
I was successfully able to put the disk into the intended disk group, but I'm
doing this from home so I can't do any other operations on it (like subdisks
and plexes and volumes). I don't see any problems, since I've gotten farther
than before. :-)
Mike Matthews, (NeXTmail accepted)
Received on Fri Apr 14 1995 - 20:33:22 NZST