Hi to you !
We are two students from Romania and we are going to
present you our situation.
We are students at the "Politehnica" University in Bucharest
Romania (Eastern Europe), the Computer Science Department.
Our common hobby is the computer programming and we are
here asking for your help.
We work very late : the situation here for us is critical;
the computers we work on are some IBM PS/2 (80286) that doesn't have
any hard disk (believe it-we have to live with it!).
To compile a C++ program we have to wait minutes ! I don't
want to mention Windows ! There are a lot of nights we have spent
in one of our University rooms. ( I am scared to think how many)
and this is because we can't have a computer of our own!
Now look why we are asking for your help:
in your country computers like 80286 or 80386 are out of use for
long time now , but we cannot afford such things here.
If you have such a computer and you want to give it away
or you know somebody who have such a computer (please contact him!)
and want to get rid of it we are asking desperately for your help!
The way we are communicating with you is a real miracle:
we have here a machine with access in Internet and for a year
we had tried to get an account.
Please respond us (whatever your response is) to:
Daniel Mocanu Lica Laurentiu
Energiei Str.,No.34,Sc.D,Ap.11 Eroilor Str.,No.32
Bacau 5500 , ROMANIA Curtea de Arges 0450,ROMANIA
Received on Sat Apr 15 1995 - 15:24:01 NZST