Thanks to the following for responding to my querries:
SEB_at_LNS62.LNS.CORNELL.EDU (Selden Ball) (Alan) (anthony baxter)
fabrice_at_cisk.atmos.Ucla.EDU (Fabrice Cuq) (Tim Lucia) (Greg Sorenson)
My original questions were:
1. A problem with X not allowing log ins at the console after a certain
amount of run time.
There is a patch that's suppose to fix xdm, but I thought the
-terminate flag in Xservers was supposed to force it to restart
automatically after the session terminates. Also there were
strong recommendations to move to the latest/greatest of OSF/1.
2. About source debugger for Fortran.
The most recommended one is DECLadebug. We'll have to check it out.
3. About a Fast Wide Differential SCSI controller on Turbochannel.
The part is called KZTSA, supported under DEC OSF/1 v2.1 and later.
gain, many thanks to all for the information.
Received on Mon Apr 24 1995 - 13:55:51 NZST