Problems installing Multimedia Services on an Alphastation 200

From: George <>
Date: Fri, 26 May 1995 09:46:07 -0400

AlphaStation 200 4/166, running OSf1/v3.0.
Software package,
Multimedia Services for DEC OSF1 (runtime) v1.5. from the April layered products CD.
subset names is mme150.

Hello all,
    I'm having a problem getting the MMS package to work with my alpha
station. After installing MMS and doing the kernel rebuild the msb0
device doesn't show up in the list of system devices during boot.
    I installed a new operatiing system from the December OSF1/v3.0 CD.
before adding the MMS package the sounds board would appear in the list
of devices as:
        msb0 at isa0

I then installed the MMS v1.5 package from tha april layered
products CD and rebuilt the kernel. Now I see the following during boot
        msb0 Warning Sound board 0 in system configuration, but not present.
        msb0 not probed.
When I try to run it IVP for MMS I get the following error:
        Error: Exiting did not find any devices.
I shutdown the system vis shutdown -h and did an isacfg -all and a
show config. It showed the following values for the sound board.
etyp 1
slot 2
dev 0
name PCXBJ
iobase0 530
isbase1 388
irq 9

    These are the values that were installed by DEC. Anyone have any
idea why the msb0 device show up before I install the MMS software and
not after? Anyhelp with htis would be great.
            George Cebulka
            ECE Facilities
            Carnegie Mellon.
Received on Fri May 26 1995 - 09:46:40 NZST

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