I just can't believe you guys. I post a question at some
unbelieveable hour of the morning, and I get 3 replies within 30
minutes. You're just awesome!
Anyways, I was misled to believe that some special device names
needed to be created. Basically my problem was I didn't know how
to handle the external SCSI bus. Dave Golden gave me the key bit
of information that I needed: if a SCSI device isn't on the internal
bus, add 8 times the bus number to the device number you're trying
to create. An example:
I was trying to create a device for a drive with ID 2 on the
external bus(bus 1). Instead of using /dev/rrz2*, it should be
I never woulda figured that out. Thanks a bunch, Dave.
Anyways, here's the whole process(presuming drive hooked up;)
cd /dev
./MAKEDEV rz10
disklabel -wr /dev/rrz10a noname
newfs /dev/rz10c
mount /dev/rz10c /mount-point
Thanks to the following people for the ULTRA quick replies!
Hellebo Knut <Knut.Hellebo_at_nho.hydro.com>
Tim McKee <mckee_at_admin.sunbelt.net>
Dave Golden <golden_at_falcon.invincible.com>
John Kinsella<johnk_at_water.ca.gov> . Hardware: (n)The part of a computer
Student System Administrator . that can be kicked.
California Department of Water Resources .
Received on Thu Jul 13 1995 - 14:37:37 NZST