SUMMARY: Buying used in Europe

From: Julyan Cartwright <>
Date: Mon Jul 17 15:03:53 1995

Last week I asked if anyone had any addresses of companies selling used
DEC parts in Europe. I only had one reply, from Patrice Legoux (thanks
Patrice), telling me that DEC themselves sell used DEC. I knew that, but
they're expensive ;-(. I have since found a Web page advertising 3 companies
in Britain selling used DEC machines and spares:

We now have a good offer from one of these companies on the parts
we need. I can recommend talking to the salesman Nick Meek at Scherers - - they have been quick and efficient (mention
my name).

The customary disclaimer applies: I have no connection other than as
a satisfied customer, etc...
        Julyan Cartwright
Julyan Cartwright                      Email
Departament de Fisica                  NeXTmail
Universitat de les Illes Balears       WWW
07071 Palma de Mallorca, Spain         Tel/Fax  (+34 71) 173214 / 173426
Received on Mon Jul 17 1995 - 15:03:53 NZST

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