SUMMARY - AlphaServer 1000 questions

From: Michael Matthews <>
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 1995 10:08:20 -0400 (EDT)

Thanks to:

Rob Lembree <>
Paul.Casteels" <>
Edward Silver <>

for their responses.

To be able to save your configuration on the ECU disk, the disk has to be
labelled SYSTEMCFG. Why it's not labelled like that by default I'm really
not sure. A safety precaution, I guess?

Regarding the VGA resolution, there are conflicting reports. DEC support
over the phone says that 640x480 is the best the built-in controller can do.
Other folks have suggested putting a -screen 800 or -screen 1024 in the X
server config file (one said /usr/lib/X11/Xserver.conf file, presumably at
the very end in the args <> section; one said .... some other file and damned
if I didn't delete that mail item already).

Either way, I could not get anything more than 640x480. 800x600 is basically
useless to me anyway, so it's moot. 1024x768 or bust, dude. :-)

Regarding the internal modem, it does not come configured _at all_. You have

- take the card out and configure it to be COM8 (COM4 with IRQ5). Its
default setting of COM4 interferes with the motherboard's COM2 for the IRQ
setting. If you don't need COM2 you're OK, but if COM1 is for the VT510
terminal, and COM2 is for the UPS cable (which, incidentally, comes the wrong

- go into the ECU, add it (ours were in slot 2, your slottage may vary) as a
OSF COM/LPT/MODEM card. Set its IRQ to 5; its I/O range is correct by

- boot genvmunix

- rebuild kernel

If /dev/tty02 isn't there, /etc/MAKEDEV ace2

Note that I'm getting flow control (or at least ^S^S^S^S^S^S^S^S^Q) problems
still, although rumor has it there's a patch for this.

Mike Matthews, (NeXTmail accepted)
Received on Tue Jul 18 1995 - 16:25:48 NZST

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