[Summary] upgrading from 3.2 to 3.2B on an AlphaServer 2100 4/275

From: Clare West <clare_at_cs.auckland.ac.nz>
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 1995 15:58:36 +1200

Well I don't imagine this will be a whole lot of use to anyone but here is
my summary. This summary id late due to the fact that I have been having a
lot of problems with this system, more about that in another message.

My Question:

>I have just received the 3.2B release kit. It did not include the ECU V1.8
>Diskette that the release notes indicate is required, but DEC are dropping
>one around tomorrow.
>I am however finding the Installation Instructions less than crystal clear.
>I *think* that what I need to do is update the Firmware and ECU and then do
>an update install of 3.2B following the instructions in the "Installation
>Guide Version 3.2" (ie. the same instructions as for updating from 3.0 to
>3.2). Can anyone confirm or deny this procedure?
>If it matters I have an AlphaServer 2100 4/275 currently running OSF/1 3.2.
>(Yeh I know I should have upgraded to 3.2A, but it wasn't obvious that I
>should look on the complementary products CD for this and I have 3.2B now

Thank you for the three replies from:

olle_at_cb.uu.se (Olle Eriksson)
"Paul E. Rockwell" <rockwell_at_rch.dec.com>

>From: olle_at_cb.uu.se (Olle Eriksson)
>Note that you cannot upgrade to 3.2B you need to do a full install. Unless
>you need 3.2B for hardware reason there is no point to upgrade from 3.2A
>to 3.2B because there are no difference in functionality, just support for
>new hardware.

>From: golden_at_falcon.invincible.com
>That's the procedure I would follow, f/w and ECU first, then
>run "installupdate".
>3.2a wouldn't have saved you any work. The fixes contained in it
>were pretty specific to certain layered products (e.g. DECsafe).

>From: "Paul E. Rockwell" <rockwell_at_rch.dec.com>
>In general, unless the release notices tell you otherwise, do an upgrade
>Digital UNIX install *first*, then do the firmware upgrade.
>For full installs, do the firmware upgrade *first*.
>Well, 3.2B won't gain you a thing on the AlphaServer 2100 4/275. The 3.2B
>release is only for hardware support of EV-5 (21164) based systems and
>will only install on 8200/8400 systems and the 2100 5/250. Don't
>waste your time trying to install 3.2B.
>You'd be better off finding that Complementary products disk and installing
>the OSF321 kit off that disk - that will get you to 3.2A
>Come to think about it, the same kit may be on the 3.2B distribution.
>Also, 3.2C is on its way... That will install on all products with an upgrade
>+---------------------------+tm Paul E. Rockwell
>| | | | | | | | UNIX Sales Support Consultant
>| d | i | g | i | t | a | l | Digital Equipment Corporation
>| | | | | | | | 500 Enterprise Drive
>+---------------------------+ Rocky Hill, CT 06067
>Internet: rockwell_at_rch.dec.com Phone: (203)258-5022

I have followed Paul's advice and done the 3.2A upgrade and done the
firmware upgrade off the V3.2 cd. This has had no effect on my problems. I
shall write another letter detailing my errors.

thanks again,


Clare West, Rm 107, Ext 8266
Received on Tue Aug 22 1995 - 06:19:46 NZST

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