Hello managers,
I am trying to add new RZ28M-VA disques into a StorageWorks. My system is
an Alpha 2100/OSF V3.2.
The StorageWorks have 8 slots. The disques in slots 0, 2, 4, 6 are identified
during boot process. They are assigned (automaticaly) correct SCSI IDs.
The other disque are not seen i.e disque in odd slots 1, 3, 5 and 7. The
disques in odd slots always have their green leds on.
The 2100 documentation say that there is 2 SCSI bus: devices in even slots
are on the SCSI bus A and devices in the odd slots are on SCSI bus B.
My question is: how can I create a label for the disques which are not
identified on the SCSI bus? In fact I need the SCSI number to create the
special devices with MAKEDEV.
The SCSI manual pages say that one can calculate the SCSI number with the
following formula: 8*bus_number+SCSI_ID_on_the_bus. This does not work:
after MAKEDEV, disklabel fail ("Invalid device address").
I have also tried mknod to create the special devices as explain in the SCSI
man page but I am unable to label the disques in the odd slots.
Thanks in advance for replying.
Christophe DIARRA
Institut de Physique Nucleaire
E-mail: diarra_at_ipnsun5.in2p3.fr
Tel: (16 33) 69 41 62 60
Received on Wed Aug 23 1995 - 21:14:59 NZST