SUMMARY: controlling remote terminals

From: Paul Bushen <>
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 95 12:30:45 +0000

my original question:

> Does anyone know of a product (from DEC or third party) that allows
> control of another users terminal? The user could be logged in via LAT
> or telnet.
> I've seen a few products for VMS such as video slave from performance software
> (do they have a unix product?) whose number I don't have. But none for unix.

I had half a dozen replies recommending:-

        peek for UNIX from Computronix
        expect from
        CONTROL from RAXCO

I've asked computronix for more info (
I'll ftp expect and give it a go.
CONTROL is still VMS only (I should own up to once working
                           at RAXCO)

many thanks, especially to:-

Simon Greaves <>
Jos Jaspers <>
comp-sun! (Randy Styka)
"Robert D. Haskins" <> (Tim Cantin)

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> |_| \__,_|\__,_|_| |____/ \__,_|___/_| |_|\___|_| |_|
> Technical Advisor, Hawke Systems, UK.
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> These are my opinions, not those of my employer.

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 Technical Advisor, Hawke Systems, UK.
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Received on Mon Sep 11 1995 - 14:02:46 NZST

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