1.) In OSF 3.2B, dxnotepad doesn't recognize the backspace key.
It instead types a backwards question mark. Why is
the keyboard mapped differently in dxnotepad than it
is in the other X applications? Is there a way to remap
the keyboard for dxnotepad?
2.) I have CDE running on a 3.2A machine and on a 3.2B machine, both
factory installed OSF. CDE was installed and runs fine on
the 3.2A machine, but Help crashes on the 3.2B machine.
I ran a setld -i on the two machines and the report for
CDE on each was indentical. Here's what happens: I click
on the ? icon and select a topic. Then the window sits
there and after 2 seconds dissappears. I haven't found
a core file, but it's crashing for some reason.
On the 3.2A machine, help works as it should, point and click
your way through every topic.... The 3.2A machine is a
DEC Alphastation 200 4/233 machine. The 3.2B machine is
a DEC Alphastation 600 5/266 machine. Any clues?????
Please respond, and if I get good results I'll post a summary.
Thanks, -Austin
| |
0 Austin L. Conaty | austin_at_atmos.umd.edu 0
| Dept. of Meteorology | FAX 301-314-9482 |
0 University of Maryland | Voice 301-405-5357 0
| College Park, MD 20742-2425 | (this space for rent) |
http://www.metolab3.umd.edu/~austin 0
| |
Received on Mon Oct 02 1995 - 14:10:28 NZDT