X windows

From: Eduard Formanek <eda_at_krv.pvt.cz>
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 14:20:07 +0100 (MET)

sorry I troubled you, but I have a problem. On LAN I have DEC3000/M400
with DIGITAL UNIX v. 3.2A and PC. My PC is running WIndows and Excursion -
- (X windows). If I run dxterm, it is OK, but, if I run netscape or
dxadvfs from dxterm, I see theis message :

X Toolkit Warning. Locale not supported by C library, locale unchnged.

I know, this problem is on my DEC system, but I don't know, how
remove it.

Thank you very much !!!


 * Eduard Formanek *
 * PVT a.s., sekce Karlov e-mail: eda_at_krv.pvt.cz *
 * Apolinarska 12, 128 16 Praha 2 phone : +42-2-24915641 *
 * Czech Republic +42-2-298945 *
 * fax : +42-2-299018 *
Received on Wed Oct 18 1995 - 14:44:41 NZDT

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