[SUMMARY] Disabling pause session

From: <"Alaric>
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 13:17:49 CDT

Apparently, my assumption about disabling session pauses was
incorrect, and several alternatives are suggested in the summary
below. Many thanks to all who responded!!

                       "I've got dust in my mind's eye!!"
[ Alaric S. Haag, Computer Manager haag_at_me.lsu.edu ]
[ Louisiana State University, Mech. Engr. Dept. FAX: (504) 388-5924 ]
[ Baton Rouge, LA 70803 Opinions: (504) 388-5897 ]

=========================== Summary ===========================
From: MX%"system_at_imr00.me.lsu.edu" 17-OCT-1995 18:23:53.15
Subj: Disabling pause session

Apologies if this is a FAQ, but I didn't see any
discussion in the archives of 1994-95 contributions...
Anywho, is is sufficient to simply comment out the lines:

        *pauseSession: /usr/bin/X11/dxpause
        *pause_text: Type your password to resume the session

in /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/DXsession to prevent users
from using the Pause item from the Session Manager?

Many thanks!

                       "I've got dust in my mind's eye!!"
[ Alaric S. Haag, Computer Manager haag_at_me.lsu.edu ]
[ Louisiana State University, Mech. Engr. Dept. FAX: (504) 388-5924 ]
[ Baton Rouge, LA 70803 Opinions: (504) 388-5897 ]
From: MX%"szgyula_at_skysrv.Pha.Jhu.EDU" 17-OCT-1995 18:36:07.32
Subj: Re: Disabling pause session

> Apologies if this is a FAQ, but I didn't see any
> discussion in the archives of 1994-95 contributions...
> Anywho, is is sufficient to simply comment out the lines:
> *pauseSession: /usr/bin/X11/dxpause
> *pause_text: Type your password to resume the session
> in /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/DXsession to prevent users
> from using the Pause item from the Session Manager?

  Well, I don't know if this works, but they can just start 'dxpause' from
a shell...

From: MX%"swatson_at_ultrix6.cs.csubak.edu" 17-OCT-1995 18:51:09.76
Subj: Re: Disabling pause session

> Apologies if this is a FAQ, but I didn't see any
> discussion in the archives of 1994-95 contributions...
> Anywho, is is sufficient to simply comment out the lines:
> *pauseSession: /usr/bin/X11/dxpause
> *pause_text: Type your password to resume the session
> in /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/DXsession to prevent users
> from using the Pause item from the Session Manager?
> Many thanks!
> Ric
No. This is almost certainly the compiled in defaults. If you want, you can
change the folloing:

*pauseSession: /some/program/that/dosn't/really/lock/screen

Ideally, you would write a script that would put up a window saying,
"Sorry you can't lock the screen on this machine," but simply a non-executable
file (/dev/null) would do.

Users could still run dxpause from the command line (unless you remove execute
permissions or just plain remove the file).

If you want to allow some of this functionality, you might consider the
latest versions of xlock which give you a compiled in value (5 min
for example) of a locked screen and then gives a "log this console hog out"
button which sends an xkill to all open xwindows (including dxsession and the
window manager). It also allows a file where you can put
usernames of people who should be allowed to lock the screen for as
long as they want (and tacitly adds root to the list). You can then
replace /usr/bin/X11/dxpause with /usr/bin/X11/xlock (or whereever you
put it). The version I've downloaded was named "xlockmore-3.0.tar.gz" but
I don't know extactly where I got it from. If you want it, I can put it
up for anonymous FTP. (I don't want to become a distribution site for it
though, if I do this for you, I'd appreciate your not posting my ftp site's
name to the list.)

I don't know if you're running non-standard security (C2, etc) or if xlock
supports it without major code changes on your part. I built it on Linux
straight "out of the box" and had no problems. I also built in for a
"home grown" security scheme under Ultrix (we totally ditch /etc/passwd and
DEC's "C2" and use Kerberos for distributed passwords). That was some
work, but I knew I was in for it (and I've had much much worse).

                                Hope some of this helps,
From: MX%"jwright_at_phy.ucsf.edu" 17-OCT-1995 18:56:31.98
Subj: Re: Disabling pause session

> Anywho, is is sufficient to simply comment out the lines:
> *pauseSession: /usr/bin/X11/dxpause
> *pause_text: Type your password to resume the session
> in /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/DXsession to prevent users
> from using the Pause item from the Session Manager?

i have no idea. but why not do this instead...

% mv /usr/bin/X11/dxpause /usr/bin/X11/dxpause.ORIG
% chmod 400 /usr/bin/X11/dxpause.ORIG
% ln -s /bin/true /usr/bin/X11/dxpause

thus anyone trying to execute dxpause will see nothing happen. this
fixes the button as well as the command line use.

Jim Wright Keck Center for Integrative Neuroscience
jwright_at_phy.ucsf.edu Box 0444, Room HSE-802
voice 415-502-4874 513 Parnassus Ave
fax 415-502-4848 UCSF, San Francisco, CA 94143-0444

From: MX%"balci_at_baum01.ege.edu.tr" 18-OCT-1995 02:00:31.44
Subj: Re: Disabling pause session

On Tue, 17 Oct 1995 Alaric S. Haag - IMRlab System Manager and part-time Visigoth_at_sws1.ctd.ornl.gov wrote:

> Apologies if this is a FAQ, but I didn't see any
> discussion in the archives of 1994-95 contributions...
> Anywho, is is sufficient to simply comment out the lines:

        change the permition of the dxpause
        chmod 700 /usr/bin/X11/dxpause

Murat Balci	UNIX sys. Admin	
s-mail : Ege Universitesi B.A.U.M - Bornova, IZMIR, TURKIYE.
e-mail : balci_at_baum01.ege.edu.tr	Phone :+(90)(232)3881080-253
From:	MX%"Ray.Bellis_at_psy.ox.ac.uk" 18-OCT-1995 02:23:25.89
Subj:	Re: Disabling pause session
> Apologies if this is a FAQ, but I didn't see any
> discussion in the archives of 1994-95 contributions...
> Anywho, is is sufficient to simply comment out the lines:
> 	*pauseSession: /usr/bin/X11/dxpause
> 	*pause_text:   Type your password to resume the session
> in /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/DXsession to prevent users
> from using the Pause item from the Session Manager?
> Many thanks!
No, it's not sufficient :  the user could simply re-instate the
option within their own .Xdefaults file.  A more effective (but
not foolproof) method would be to remove /usr/bin/X11/dxpause
and/or replace it with a program which doesn't lock the screen
which tells them that the pause option is disabled.
This wouldn't however, prevent the user from compiling, say,
`xlockmore' and installing that in their .Xdefaults file.
  Computing Officer, MRC Research Centre in Brain and Behaviour,
     Department of Experimental Psychology, Oxford University
  <http://www.mrc-bbc.ox.ac.uk/~rpb>  <mailto:Ray.Bellis_at_psy.ox.ac.uk>
From:	MX%"j.studnicka_at_ic.ac.uk" 18-OCT-1995 04:35:11.77
Subj:	Disabling pause session
         here at Imperial we have done the following:
   - moved /usr/bin/X11/dxpause to /usr/bin/X11/dxpause.orig
   - created  new dxpause which contains one line - 
      xmessage -fn 9x15 To prevent abuse the feature has been withdrawn.
   its not very elegant but it works.
 Jiri V. Studnicka
 Centre for Computing Services,                      phone 0171-594 6942
 Imperial College of Science Technology & Medicine,    fax 0171-594 6958
 London SW7 2BX, England                            email j.studnicka_at_ic.ac.uk
Received on Thu Oct 19 1995 - 20:01:19 NZDT

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