SUMMARY: How to get passwded with C2 during single-user boot/shutdown

From: Ted Asocks <>
Date: Sat, 21 Oct 1995 14:56:15 -0800 (PDT)

My query got one response, that was all I needed. Thanks to

Spider Boardman

for being the bearer of the bad news...
There is no password-at-boot-time feature, despite the
placeholder for it you found. It would be nice to have, I agree,
but it just isn't there. Not even in the field-test code for
v4.0 of Digital UNIX.

Spider Boardman (at home)                       spider_at_Orb.Nashua.NH.US
The management (my cats) made me say this.
So, I thought I might be able to do something with a login shell
script out of the rc?.d directories but no, login is dynamically
linked, so /usr has to be mounted.
Looks like a PROM password is the only option.
This was the original message:
> I would like to get prompted for the root passwd before entering init 
> level S from level 0 or level 2,3. We run enhanced security (C2) and
> I have changed the entry in /etc/auth/system/default from:
> 	:d_boot_authenticate_at_:\
>  to
> 	:d_boot_authenticate:\
> but I still do not get a passwd prompt when changing states. 
> I must be missing something simple, unfortunately I do not have a
> private machine to take up and down to try out various incantations.
> The system in question is a 3000/600 running OSF1 V2.0.
  Ted Asocks                               
  Systems Administrator                              VOICE: (408)459-4020
  UCO/Lick Observatory                               FAX:   (408)454-9863
Received on Sat Oct 21 1995 - 23:14:49 NZDT

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