We have written our own nifty network backup utility that uses
rmt and rcmd to perform un-attended backups of filesystems scattered
about the net. This has worked great for six years on our network of
Suns, but I can't get rmt and rcmd to work on our 2100 running 3.0.
Establishing the socket-pair works just fine:
int rmt_begin(host)
char *host;
struct servent *sp = NULL;
struct passwd *pwd = NULL;
auto char *p_host = host;
if ((sp = getservbyname("shell", "tcp")) == NULL)
return (FAILURE);
if ((pwd = getpwuid(getuid())) == NULL)
return (FAILURE);
#ifdef __osf__
return (rcmd(&p_host, sp->s_port, pwd->pw_name, pwd->pw_name, "/usr/sbin/rmt", 0));
return (rcmd(&p_host, sp->s_port, pwd->pw_name, pwd->pw_name, "/etc/rmt", 0));
but any subsequent operation fails with the return message "not a tty",
(and the same thing happens when rcmd is used later in the program):
int rmt_open(des, dev, mode)
int des;
char *dev;
int mode;
char buf[256];
#ifdef __osf__
sprintf(buf, "O %s %d", dev, mode);
sprintf(buf, "O%s\n%d\n", dev, mode);
return (rmt_call(des, dev, buf));
int rmt_call(des, cmd, buf)
int des;
char *cmd;
char *buf;
if (write(des, buf, strlen(buf)) != strlen(buf))
return (FAILURE);
return (rmt_reply(des, cmd));
int rmt_reply(des, cmd)
int des;
char *cmd;
auto char code[1024];
auto char emsg[BUFSIZ];
if (rmt_gets(des, code, sizeof (code)) == FAILURE)
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR rmt protocol: code = \"%s\"?\n", code);
return (FAILURE);
if (*code == 'E' || *code == 'F')
errno = atoi(code + 1);
rmt_gets(des, emsg, sizeof (emsg));
return (FAILURE);
if (*code != 'A')
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR rmt protocol: code = \"%s\"?\n", code);
return (FAILURE);
return (atoi(code + 1));
Any ideas?
Received on Tue Oct 24 1995 - 21:35:17 NZDT