Whenever anyone on our machine issues the from command to check
their mail, it says that most of their messages are from user daemon.
This is obviously wrong because when they start any mail reader, it shows
who the correct owner really is. Anyone seen this before? We are
running Digital Unix v3.2a with the Patch 3 kit.
Rich Reybok | Windows (n.) - Self propogating
Fairleigh Dickinson University | virus.
Academic Computer Center - Mini | Payload: Consumes large amounts
Network and Systems Analyst | of disk space.
Teaneck, NJ | Stealth: None
(201) 692-2357 | Method of Propagation: Hype/Myth
Reply: rich_at_fdu.edu |
Real programmers don't comment their code. It was hard to write, it should
be hard to read!!!!
Received on Tue Oct 24 1995 - 22:24:51 NZDT