I can't seem to get the Alphas here (3000/500's running 3.2C) to use a
netgroup entry in /etc/hosts.equiv.
I have set up some netgroups on our NIS master and exported them via NIS to
the other machines. On an NIS client I can check that the netgroups are
exported OK;
ypcat -k netgroup returns:
CondMat (hp1.uib.es,,) (idefix.uib.es,,) (galiota.uib.es,,) (obelix.uib.es,,) (mendieta.uib.es,,) (panoramix.uib.es,,) (estrenc.uib.es,,) (formentor.uib.es,,) (llucalcari.uib.es,,)
I then add the line:
to /etc/hosts.equiv
On the other machines here (HP, Sun), this works fine - I can rlogin without
password between machines, but on the Alphas, it doesn't. It seems that the
Alphas are taking no notice of the netgroup line in the /etc/hosts.equiv file.
(I do have the line netgroup=yp in the /etc/svc.conf file.)
I can't think of anything I've forgotten to do, and the only logfile entry
I can find is in /var/adm/sialog where it just says 'Failure to authenticate
session' without further explanation.
I hope somebody can point out where I'm going wrong here, because I'm getting
frustrated trying to get this to work!
Julyan Cartwright Email julyan_at_hp1.uib.es
Departament de Fisica NeXTmail julyan_at_obelix.uib.es
Universitat de les Illes Balears WWW http://formentor.uib.es/~julyan
07071 Palma de Mallorca, Spain Tel/Fax (+34 71) 173230 / 173426
Received on Thu Oct 26 1995 - 14:56:04 NZDT