netgroups in /etc/hosts.equiv

From: Julyan Cartwright <>
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 95 14:30:51 MET

I can't seem to get the Alphas here (3000/500's running 3.2C) to use a
netgroup entry in /etc/hosts.equiv.

I have set up some netgroups on our NIS master and exported them via NIS to
the other machines. On an NIS client I can check that the netgroups are
exported OK;
ypcat -k netgroup returns:
CondMat (,,) (,,) (,,) (,,) (,,) (,,) (,,) (,,) (,,)

I then add the line:
to /etc/hosts.equiv

On the other machines here (HP, Sun), this works fine - I can rlogin without
password between machines, but on the Alphas, it doesn't. It seems that the
Alphas are taking no notice of the netgroup line in the /etc/hosts.equiv file.
(I do have the line netgroup=yp in the /etc/svc.conf file.)

I can't think of anything I've forgotten to do, and the only logfile entry
I can find is in /var/adm/sialog where it just says 'Failure to authenticate
session' without further explanation.

I hope somebody can point out where I'm going wrong here, because I'm getting
frustrated trying to get this to work!

Julyan Cartwright                      Email
Departament de Fisica                  NeXTmail
Universitat de les Illes Balears       WWW
07071 Palma de Mallorca, Spain         Tel/Fax  (+34 71) 173230 / 173426
Received on Thu Oct 26 1995 - 14:56:04 NZDT

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