configuring CAP on the Alpha

From: <>
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 95 21:13:13 +0000

Followup-To: poster
Precedence: bulk
I'm trying to configure CAP on an Alpha so that an ordinary user can print
to a LaserWriter Pro 630. I have succeeded in compiling with Native Ethertalk
and Phase 2 compatibility and aarpd, atlooklws and lwpr all work. Reading
print.cookbook I understood the following:

1. I had to create a group in /etc/groups (which I called enet) and made
/dev/pf and its contents owner root and group enet with permissions crw-rw----

2. I made the input filter lw2if in the cap60/bin owned by root and set-gid
to enet (as well as th output filter papof).

3. I created the cap60/etc/cap.printers file with th identification
Unix Printer name=name of printer as per atlooklws

4. I created the /etc/printcap as per the print.cookbook and did lpc start

lpq -PPrinter_name indeed confirms that printer is ready and printing. However,
when I send a file to be printer with lpr -PPrinter_name file, it tells me
that the rank is 1st and not active as it should (and indeed the printer
doesn't react). What am I missing here?

Thanks in advance
Received on Mon Oct 30 1995 - 22:46:41 NZDT

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