POP3 servers supporting UIDL?

From: Terje Sten Bjerkseth <tsb_at_admintec.no>
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 1995 09:30:52 +0100 (MET)

There have been several postings regarding POP servers on Digital
UNIX here in the past, so I hope the following is of relevance
to the list...

Netscape Navigator 2.0B2 prefers a POP3 server that supports the
optional (according to RFC1725) UIDL command. I don't think UIDL
support is a requirement, but the Navigator issues a warning.

I've looked at some of the POP3 servers mentioned in the archives and
previous postings on this list, but as far as I can tell, none of them
seem to support the UIDL command. I can't find more recent servers
using archie either...

Does anyone know of a POP3 server that supports the UIDL command
(and/or a server that supports the optional and additional stuff
in RFC1725)?

Terje Sten
Terje Sten Bjerkseth <tsb_at_admintec.no>,  AdminTec a.s,  Postboks 241,
N-3201 Sandefjord,  Norway,  +47 33 47 03 20,  faks +47 33 47 05 45.
Vi har levert AT-systemer siden 1978! For informasjon: info_at_admintec.no.
Received on Tue Nov 07 1995 - 09:57:17 NZDT

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