Moving a RAID-5 set from 1 swxcr to another...

From: D. Mark Sprague <msprague_at_MIT.EDU>
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 1995 08:35:57 -0500

This is not really a DU question, but it may be of interest to other people
on this list.

I have a 2000 4/200 running VMS...The machine is in tough shape (it has
been down since 18:00 Monday), dec fs has come to the conclusion that there
is an electrical short somewhere in the box so they are going to replace
the entire box. This means that I have probably lost my SWXCR
configuration. On that configuration I have a RAID-5 set defined. Is
there anyway for me to get the RAID-5 set back without resorting to
backup...As murphy's law states "Whatever can go wrong will go wrong, and
at the worst possible moment", the initial failure happened just after we
has successfull but over to this machine, but had not had a successful
backup (It was slated to start at 20:00)...arg!

Thanks for any help you can give me.

D. Mark Sprague
Received on Wed Nov 08 1995 - 15:23:58 NZDT

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