Summary Innd

From: Mr. Rich Reybok <>
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 1995 18:42:50 -0500 (EST)

Well, here's the answer to the failing hosts.nntp:

Thanks to Barry for this answer!!! ;-)


If you get innunnoff2 (or three) there is a file that explaines the patches


There are a number of people running INN on an the Alpha. There is
one set of changes that have to be made. Find all uses of inet_addr
(innd/rc.c, lib/remopen.c, backends/rcompress.c) and replace the
related "unsigned long" declarations or casts with "unsigned int".

This should fix the problem.


| Barry Lynam				EMail: |
| Internetworking Software Services	Phone:	+61 7 3864 2883    |
| Computing Services			Fax:	+61 7 3864 1343    |
| Queensland University of Technology	Postal:	GPO Box 2434       |
| Brisbane AUSTRALIA				Brisbane 4001      |
|						AUSTRALIA          |
+---THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE-----------------------------------------+
Rich Reybok				| Windows (n.) - Self propogating 
Fairleigh Dickinson University		| 		 virus. 
Academic Computer Center - Mini		|    Payload: Consumes large amounts
Network and Systems Analyst		|  	      of disk space.	
Teaneck, NJ				|    Stealth: None
(201) 692-2357				|    Method of Propagation: Hype/Myth
Reply: 			|    
Real programmers don't comment their code. It was hard to write, it should
be hard to read!!!!
Received on Tue Dec 05 1995 - 01:13:51 NZDT

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