Original question:
> One quick question for you VMS users...does VMS supports printing to
> standard LPD style spoolers? That is, can you set up a VMS system to
> print to a queue on Digital Unix, or another LPD compatible Unix
> system? Thanks!
Yes! Using UCX, DEC's TCP/IP (version 3.3 especially), or using TGV
Multinet. Both client and server LPD is supported in both products.
Thanks to:
Selden E Ball Jr <SEB_at_LNS62.LNS.CORNELL.EDU>
walpuin_at_vax.coasin.com.uy (WALTER ALPUIN)
"VAX::WALPUIN"_at_mulita.coasin.com.uy (WALTER ALPUIN)
Lucien HERCAUD"_at_paribas.com
Received on Tue Dec 12 1995 - 21:31:08 NZDT