We seem to be having some difficulty with using the system v
message queues. If I close them correctly using
msgctl(msgid,IPC_RMID, 0);, then everything is OK. But, if the
program is exited abnormally, ^C, then I lose 1 message queue from the
total number allocated by the kernel, msg-mni. If I use ipcs to find out
the queue id to remove it, it doesn't show up in the table. Eventually I
completely run out of available queues and must reboot.
Any ideas?
Rich Reybok | Windows (n.) - Self propogating
Fairleigh Dickinson University | virus.
Academic Computer Center - Mini | Payload: Consumes large amounts
Network and Systems Analyst | of disk space.
Teaneck, NJ | Stealth: None
(201) 692-2357 | Method of Propagation: Hype/Myth
Reply: rich_at_fdu.edu |
Real programmers don't comment their code. It was hard to write, it should
be hard to read!!!!
Received on Tue Dec 19 1995 - 00:23:46 NZDT