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From: alpha-osf-managers-relay_at_paribas.com
Date: 12/19/95 11:48AM
To: Francois ARCASEDDA at 50
To: Keith MCCABE at 50
*To: alpha-osf-managers_at_ornl.gov_at_INTERNET at CCROUTER
Subject: SUM + Q: LSM raw volumes and SYBASE
Many Thanks to Sylvain Gagnons gagnons_at_cae.ca.
I ran the Sybase Backup server as root and the dataserver under
sybase user. The dump-load works well.
Sybase seems to work fine, so far.
Thank you.
Francois ARCA-SEDDA,
Banque Paribas.
Hi, Recently I asked the following:
We are trying to use SYBASE with LSM raw volumes instead of raw
We are using sybinit to create the sybase server. In the "Master
device configuration", if we specify a LSM raw volume
(i.e. /dev/rvol/grpdg/vol_master) instead of a classic device (i.e.
we have the following sybase error :
Cannot read file '/dev/rvol/grpdg/vol_master'. Operating system
returned: Not owner.
I have checked the ownership of that file, and the sybase user can
create a file in dev/rvol/grpdg directory.
Sybase user can also read the volume (dd works fine)
Many thanks to
Knut helleboe : knut.hellebo_at_nho.hydro.com who wrote :
I think the sybase user must own all the raw device files for that
volume if this should work (among them also vol_master).
Sam Sarasin : sarasin_at_yosemite.cop.dec.com who wrote:
Make sure that the raw volume is owned by sybase. Also you need to run
voledit and set the owner on the volume or lsm will change the
ownership back to root when you reboot.
Philip Lawrence : philip_at_uvo.dec.com who wrote :
Try setting the permissions with 'voledit set user=sybase group=staff
mode=0666 volXXX'
There are loadsa systems out there running sybase on LSM raw volumes.
Sylvail Gagnons : gagnons_at_cae.ca who wrote :
We get the same problem, according from Sybase you need to ignore this
message during the sybinit, and it should be able to build the master
any way if you have the right file protection.
First, I had already set the protection with voledit. Then I followed
Sylvain advice:
It works OK for sybinit, The database server runs. I succeeded in
creating the database and LOG devices using LSM raw volumes. The
database server seems to work fine EXCEPT for the DUMPS !!!
The Sybase Backup server fails to dump the databases because it fails
to read the LSM raw volume. The error is :
Backup server : Device validation error: couldn't obtain
tape drive characteristics for device /dev/rvol/diskg/vol_data, error:
NOT owner
Msg 8009.level 16,State 1:
The questions are now :
How can we do the sybase dumps ?
Are there any other known problems ?
Banque Paribas
"Francois ARCASEDDA"_at_paribas.com
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Subject: SUM + Q: LSM raw volumes and SYBASE
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