SUMMARY: Support for Multiple LUN SCSI Devices

From: Brian Leverson <>
Date: Wed, 03 Jan 96 17:19:23 -0800

> I recently purchased a Nakamichi MBR-7 7-disk CD-ROM reader/changer for
> general departmental use. From the DEC3000-300 firmware 6.2 console, the
> device appears as 7 LUN's at a particular SCSI target address, e.g.
> dka300-dka306. When I mount DEC Unix distribution CD's their presence and
> capacity is displayed. Not surprisingly the device cannot be used as a boot
> device. But I am hoping I can find information that will allow me to create
> device files that allow access to its CD-ROM magazine.

Thankyou for the many informative replies to:
        Selden E Ball Jr <SEB_at_LNS62.LNS.CORNELL.EDU>
        "Paul E. Rockwell" <>
        Nick Hill - RAL CISD Systems Group <>
As is often the case with DEC Unix, the information was there if I'd only
known where to look for it ( see SCSI(7) man page ). However, after having
created the device files I still find that I can't mount disks from any of the
7 locations (LUN's). After checking back through my archive of
alpha-osf-managers messages, I find some references to problems with CD-ROM
players that have a block length of 2048 bytes rather than the standard 512
bytes. The following SCU utility output clearly confirms what I found in the
Nakamichi documentation -- the block length is 2048. Nakamichi tech support
told me that this value was not reconfigurable by any means.

The SCU output clearly proves that the CAM I/O system is communicating with
the LUN 0 device /dev/rrz3c. But if I can't reset the block length from 2048
to 512 bytes perhaps there is no way I can access the MBR-7 in any useful way.
 Can anyone confirm that grim conclusion?

% scu -f /dev/rrz3c
scu> show device
Inquiry Information:

                      SCSI Bus ID: 0
                   SCSI Target ID: 3
                  SCSI Target LUN: 0
           Peripheral Device Type: Read-Only Direct Access
             Peripheral Qualifier: Peripheral Device Connected
            Device Type Qualifier: 0
                  Removable Media: Yes
                     ANSI Version: SCSI-2 Compliant
                     ECMA Version: 0
                      ISO Version: 0
             Response Data Format: CCS
                Additional Length: 31
            Vendor Identification: NRC
           Product Identification: MBR-7
          Firmware Revision Level: 110
scu> show edt
CAM Equipment Device Table (EDT) Information:

    Bus: 0, Target: 0, Lun: 0, Device Type: Direct Access
    Bus: 0, Target: 0, Lun: 1, Device Type: (not present)
    Bus: 0, Target: 0, Lun: 2, Device Type: (not present)
    Bus: 0, Target: 0, Lun: 3, Device Type: (not present)
    Bus: 0, Target: 0, Lun: 4, Device Type: (not present)
    Bus: 0, Target: 0, Lun: 5, Device Type: (not present)
    Bus: 0, Target: 0, Lun: 6, Device Type: (not present)
    Bus: 0, Target: 0, Lun: 7, Device Type: (not present)
    Bus: 0, Target: 3, Lun: 0, Device Type: Read-Only Direct Access
    Bus: 0, Target: 3, Lun: 1, Device Type: Read-Only Direct Access
    Bus: 0, Target: 3, Lun: 2, Device Type: Read-Only Direct Access
    Bus: 0, Target: 3, Lun: 3, Device Type: Read-Only Direct Access
    Bus: 0, Target: 3, Lun: 4, Device Type: Read-Only Direct Access
    Bus: 0, Target: 3, Lun: 5, Device Type: Read-Only Direct Access
    Bus: 0, Target: 3, Lun: 6, Device Type: Read-Only Direct Access
    Bus: 0, Target: 3, Lun: 7, Device Type: (not present)
scu> sh capacity
Disk Capacity Information:

                 Maximum Capacity: 61541
                     Block Length: 2048
scu> sh memory
The Controller Memory Size is 57344 (0xe000) bytes.

Brian Leverson, Systems Manager
University of Washington                e-mail:
Dept of Aeronautics and Astronautics    phone:  (206)543-6736
Box 352400                              FAX:    (206)543-0217
Seattle, WA  98195-2400
Received on Thu Jan 04 1996 - 02:43:13 NZDT

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