Using ZLXp-L1 and ZLXp-L2 VIdeocards with FLOW3D SW problems

From: Marcel A. Bernards <>
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 1996 10:26:11 +0100

I've just fired up two new AXP 200 4/166 boxes, onw with a ZLXp-L1 and another with
a ZLXp-L2 videocard.

The software the users on those boxes use is FLOW3D.

All stuff seems to be installed OK , but when displaying the data the
graphics are rendered with strange black triangle. When using an Xterminal
the graphics rendering appear correct (but not as fast as on the local console off course)

I digged into the release notes of the OPEN3D stuff and it seems that there might
be some library and hardware limitations when using certain
GL calls with this particular video cards.

Anyone got experience using FLOW3D on DEC Alpha with ZLXP-L series cards ?
Are these problems normal ?



Marcel Bernards, UNIX & Net sysadm Netherlands Energy Research Foundation ECN
(and SURFnet IC/ICP), Phone: (+31 /0)224 564579 Fax: (+31 /0)224 561864
E-Mail: Bernards_at_ECN.NL, SnailMail: P.O. Box 1, 1755 ZG Petten
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Received on Fri Jan 05 1996 - 10:49:42 NZDT

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