Hello managers,
I have the following net configuration:
-------- ethernet --------
| remh |------------------| remr | remote.net (in the 192.168 .. range)
-------- --------
ISDN ppp link
--------- --------- -------- ethernet -
| loch1 |-----| loch2 |----| locr |------------------ | local.net class B
--------- --------- -------- -
remr and locr work as router for the two nets and have both two interfaces
(remr: pppremr and ethremr and locr: ppplocr and ethlocr).
locr is a AXP 3000/300LX with isdn interface and the x25 distribution which
includes isdnppp. The interface is automatically created during isdnstart.
Here my problem:
On locr there exist static route for the remote.net over the ppp link.
I can ping/telnet to remh remr from locr and everything works as
On loch2 (or any host on local.net) there exist a route to ppplocr and I
can ping/telnet to this. Also on this hosts exist a route for remote.net
over this ppplocr interface
b u t
I can't ping or telnet any machine on the remote.net from other hosts
but locr on the local.net.
What did I missed?
I would be greatful for any advice.
Rudi Gabler
!Rudolf Gabler !
!Uni.-Sternwarte Muenchen Internet: RUG_at_USM.Uni-Muenchen.DE!
!Scheinerstr. 1 Voice: +49-89-98290305 !
!81679 Muenchen FRG FAX: +49-89-92209427 !
Received on Sun Jan 07 1996 - 15:02:25 NZDT