problem with talk

From: Stefano Cozzini <>
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 1996 11:14:45 +0100 (MET)

Hi gurus ,
I have a problem with talk on my workstation.
I can see when an external user talk to me but I cannot
my machine always says:
likix2>talk xxx_at_obelix
talk can't figure out network address
and the same when I try to talk to a local user on my machine

I checked the /etc/services and /etc/inetd.conf and I found
the following entry for talk:

#talk dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/talkd talkd
ntalk dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/ntalkd ntalkd

talk 517/udp
ntalk 518/udp

all the other network services ( mail finger etc etc) work fine (at least
so far). I'm sure I missing some stupid things somewhere. Can you gurus
help this newbie ?
I'm using a dec3000 workstation with version 2.0
Stefano Cozzini                         | "Se Dio esiste sta in una CPU"
Dep. Fisica Atomica Molecular y Nuclear |   
Facultad de Fisica 
Sevilla  (Spain)
Received on Wed Jan 10 1996 - 11:53:20 NZDT

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