[SUMMARY] dxmail and sendmail

From: Jean-Loup Risler <Jean-Loup.Risler_at_genetique.uvsq.fr>
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 96 14:33:41 +0100

Some time ago, after having upgraded sendmail to 8.7.1, I had some problems
with dxmail.

Bjorn.Braathen_at_phys.uit.no just reminded me that I posted no summary. Sorry
for this. Here it is:

1) the general consensus is that dxmail is an old grandpa, and many replies
pointed to mail interfaces like Pine or exmh. I installed both of them.
Pine is simple and efficient, especially if you use some sort of dumb
terminal. exmh uses X11 and tcl/tk: it is just great (my deepest thanks to
frederic.arenou_at_obspm.fr for his invaluable help in installing exmh).

   Pine is available from ftp.cac.washington.edu/pine/pine.tar.Z
   exmh " ftp.sunlabs.com/pub/tcl/exmh

2) just after having installed the new sendmail, I could not send any
message: this is because sendmail must be suid

3) after that, most of the remote mail servers rejected my mails. This is
because, when supporting MIME, MH does not send HELO but instead sends
EHLO. Some ticklish systems don't like it.
Fix: find in sendmail.cf a line with "needmailhelo". Delete this word. Now
the ticklish machines will complain but will accept your mails.

Here it is, hope it helps.


| Jean-Loup Risler               |                                  |
| Universite de Versailles       | Tel: (33-1) 39 25 45 54          |
| Lab. Genome et Informatique    | Fax: (33-1) 39 25 45 69          |
| Batiment Buffon                |                                  |
| 45 Avenue des Etats-Unis       | email: risler_at_genetique.uvsq.fr  |
| 78035  Versailles Cedex France |                                  |
Received on Thu Jan 11 1996 - 15:08:02 NZDT

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