SUMMARY: Shared memory problem with sybase

From: <>
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 96 08:29:48 -0800

        Thanks for the info about the shared memory.
        Here is a summary. Please forgive my lack of writing ability.

Thanks To:

Sybase 10 had this error if you set shmmax to a number greater than
67108864. If you are running 3.0 or later you can set shmmax in the
/etc/sysconfigtab file, this way you do not need to do a kernel rebuild.
this has solved the problem.

first use sysconfig -q ipc to check the current value.
# sysconfig -q ipc
msg-max = 8192
msg-mnb = 16384
msg-mni = 64
msg-tql = 40
shm-max = 4194304
shm-min = 1
shm-mni = 128
shm-seg = 32

then edit /etc/sysconfigtab
and add

        shm-max = 67108864

Then reboot your machine. Use sysconfig -q ipc to check your current value
of shm-max to make sure it was reset correctly then try to start sybase


Value may be set by adding the line in /sys/conf/SYSNAME:

shmmax 67108864
This is the solution that I used.

Refer to the SYBASE System Administration Guide Supplement for DEC OSF/1,
section 4 gives a recommendation for shmmax.

check for the shared memory files that sybase creates. Usually in the $SYBASE
directory. xxx.krg and xxx.srg. where xxx = sybase servername.
These may need to be deleted if sybase had crashed badly.

 ipcs - Reports Interprocess Communication (IPC) facility status
        this may give some info about shared memory usage.
Received on Wed Jan 17 1996 - 18:10:25 NZDT

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