SUMMARY: TL810 Library (DLT) conected to an AlphaStation 200

From: <>
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 96 10:43:44 +0100

>I have a TL810 Library conected to an AlphaStation 200 on DIGITAL UNIX 3.2C) .
>I would like to find some tools for using the Changer Device Driver
> load, unload cartridge from drive
> import/export cartridge
> move cartridge from a slot to another slot...

        Alan Rollow,
                who give the name of the "Media Robot Utility from Digital Equipment Corportation"
                (QM-50TAA-AA, QB-50TAA-SA)
                This utility provides the desired functions, except for slot to slot
        Ed Bailey,
                for his "loader-stuff"

        Jim Belonis &
         Herve DEMARTHE
                for their help

Thanks to all


Jean-Francois LECOINTE
Received on Mon Jan 22 1996 - 11:19:26 NZDT

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