Problem with machine going to single user mode

From: Anton Saarimaki <>
Date: Fri, 2 Feb 1996 11:17:37 -0500 (EST)

        I've got a recurring problem with my DEC 3000 M700 workstation. It
sporadically goes into single user mode. This was occurring more than once
a week, sometimes at night (no one logged on) sometimes during the day (a
few users). So far we have upgraded to DU3.2C firmware 6.2, DEC has
replaced the motherboard and the power supply. The problem persists but
the frequency has gone done. No error messages are ever logged. A couple
people have reported similar problems in the archive but no solutions were
suggested. Has anyone else experienced this kind of behaviour? Any
suggestions as to what the problem is and what can be done about it?
Sorry for being so vague.
        Thanks Anton

 Anton Saarimaki
 Computer Systems Manager General Clinical Research Center
 Office: New Bellevue 8E32 New York University Medical Center Tel: +1 212 263 7492 FAX: +1 212 263 8501
Received on Fri Feb 02 1996 - 17:45:07 NZDT

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