SUMMARY: How far can i trust "ls -l"?

From: Bernt Christandl <>
Date: Mon, 05 Feb 1996 17:14:24 +0100

Dear managers,

i had problems to understand the output of "ls -l"
and your answers have been very helpful!

My special thanks to:
"Brian 'Doc' O'Neill" <>
Igor Natanzon <>
Robert Munn <>
"Dr. Tom Blinn, 603-881-0646" <>
Hans Ranke <Hans.Ranke_at_Regent.E-Technik.TU-Muenchen.DE>
Birgit Fruehwirth <>
Erick Bizouarn <>
Ray Bellis <> (Alan Rollow>

I include here the answers of Dr. Tom Blinn, Alan Rollow and Brian O'Neill,
which gives a picture full of details.

<> says:
> All that ls -l does is do a stat() on the file and report the byte
> count from the data structure returned by stat(). This may or may
> not really have anything to do with the real size of the file, since
> the file may have "holes" in it (pages that contain no data and
> aren't mapped in the file).

> What other utilities are reporting is the count of pages (e.g., 512
> byte or 1K chunks actually used on disk to hold the file's data).
> This count may be much smaller than you would think it should be (or
> larger, as the case may be) depending on whether the files in
> question have lots of holes, and if they happen to nicely fill what
> you think is the on-disk cluster size (for the UFS file system, disk
> space is allocated in 1Kbyte chunks, but for the AdvFS file system it
> is allocated in 8KB chunks, and a small file will take up at least
> one chunk in either file system). said:
> Files have two sizes associated with them; the number of blocks
> allocated to the file and the byte size. It is possible for a file
> not to have blocks allocated to some of the space. Such files are
> called "sparse". When the file system code reads one of this holes
> it uses NULs for the data. See the lseek(2) manual page for more
> information about creating a sparse file.

> Kernel core dumps, quota files, dbm(3) and ndbm(3) databases are
> common users of sparse files. In case the case of a kernel core dump
> only the pages essential to crash dump analysis are saved; unused
> page, program data, etc aren't. The result is the ability to save a
> large file without using all the required space. said:
> UNIX has what is known as "sparse files". A file which has disk
> blocks which simply contain nulls just isn't allocated. Since a crash
> dump is a dump of memory, and memory pages might not be used or
> relevant, it doesn't allocate disk blocks for them, instead I believe
> the inode pointers point to NULL.

> To get a better sense, "ls -ls" will prepend each line with the
> number of 1k blocks allocated to that file.

> One note of warning...not all file backup/archiving utilities handle
> spare files well...they would be restored at full size...

Thank you again!

Bernt Christandl
- Bernt Christandl / Max Planck Institut fuer Extraterrestrische Physik -
- D-85740 Garching / Phone: +49/89/3299-3346 / Fax: +49/89/3299-3569 -
- Internet: -
Received on Mon Feb 05 1996 - 17:41:16 NZDT

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