HW configuration: HSZ and FWD?

From: Pat Wilson <paw_at_phibes.dartmouth.edu>
Date: Mon, 05 Feb 1996 11:16:42 +22306256


We're in the process of configuring an AlphaServer 2100A (5/250) to be a
BRS database machine, and are pondering the following:
 - are the HSZ Array Controllers worth the $$$, and does DU3.2+
deal well with them?
 - do folks find that FWD disks really improve performance to the degree
that the theortical numbers would indicate?

Per usual, money is at the root of these questions, and while we're not
trying to be *cheap*, we do need to be efficient...


Pat Wilson
Received on Mon Feb 05 1996 - 17:42:30 NZDT

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