strange upgrade problem - fixed

From: Richard A. Muirden <>
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 1996 21:49:50 +1100 (EDT)

hi all. turns out the strange upgrade problem was caused by a dead
ECU 1.8 disk. luckily we had a VMS alpha2100 sitting right next to
it and we found it's ecu disk, luckily 1.8, which worked just fine.


makes you think these ecu's should go on cd along with the firmware
updates? is that too much of a problem?


Richard A. Muirden, Systems & Network Administration / Webmaster / Fanatic :)
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      1996 Goal: Fly on a Tu-154 or IL-62 into LED or SVO and survive!
Received on Thu Feb 08 1996 - 12:10:30 NZDT

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