About "Length of username"

From: Patrice LEGOUX <Patrice.Legoux_at_gsi.fr>
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 1996 15:57:34 +0100

Jean-Loup.Risler_at_genetique.uvsq.fr wrote :

> Following a recent question "Is it possible to extend the user names (login
> names) to more than 8 characters", I have a partial answer and a question:
> 1) suppose you want to create an account for a user "billgates" (9 char.)
> With "adduser", you'll have to enter "billgate"
> Then, you can edit /etc/passw with vipw and modify the login name to its
> full length.
> It works. Now billgates can log in.
> 2) however, isn't this potentially dangerous?
> Suppose billgates makes an "ls -l": there will be no blank between the
> owner and the group. This is not very serious, but I wonder whether some
> system tasks may be confused?
> What if the user name is more than 9 characters long?

In the same sort of things, you can have a password longer than 8 characters but
only first 8 are used by unix (osf, hp, ...). You can enter what you want after
these 8 first and it's always ok.

So, I've a question about these two thing, are the users "billgates1" and
"billgates2" the same user or two saparate users ? Are all characters of a
username used or only the 8 first ?


# Patrice LEGOUX #
# Gsi Telematique | Decnet : GSUV09::LEGOUX #
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# E-Mail : Patrice.Legoux_at_gsi.fr #
# Memo : LEGOUX #
Received on Thu Feb 08 1996 - 16:32:25 NZDT

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