Clock patches (yet again...)

From: Drew Kramer <>
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 96 15:34:49 -0500

It appears to me that the clock patches are not happy for certain versions of
the operating system formerly known as OSF/1. Here's what I get from the tar
files in *.de and *.au:

<drew_at_spruce> file */clock.o
v20/clock.o: COFF format alpha executable or object module not stripped -
version 3.11-4
v20b/clock.o: COFF format alpha executable or object module not stripped -
version 3.11-4
v30/clock.o: COFF format alpha executable or object module not stripped -
version 3.11-6
v30b/clock.o: COFF format alpha executable or object module not stripped -
version 3.11-6
v32/clock.o: COFF format alpha executable or object module not stripped -
version 3.11-8
v32b/clock.o: COFF format alpha executable or object module not stripped -
version 3.11-8
v32c/clock.o: data
v32d/clock.o: data

Closer look at the data leaves serious doubt as to whether I should install
these patches on my 3.2c systems:

<drew_at_spruce> what */clock.o
        $RCSfile: clock.c,v $ $Revision: $ (DEC) $Date: 1996/02/13
19:49:39 $
        $RCSfile: clock.c,v $ $Revision: $ (DEC) $Date: 1996/02/13
21:31:09 $
        $RCSfile: clock.c,v $ $Revision: $ (DEC) $Date: 1996/02/08
16:42:46 $
        $RCSfile: clock.c,v $ $Revision: $ (DEC) $Date: 1996/02/08
19:34:08 $
        $RCSfile: clock.c,v $ $Revision: $ (DEC) $Date: 1996/02/07
18:37:36 $
        $RCSfile: clock.c,v $ $Revision: $ (DEC) $Date: 1996/02/12
19:52:40 $
        $RCSyfile: clyock.c,v y$ $Revisyion: 1.2y.19.2 $ y(DEC) $Dyate:
199y6/02/07 y18:22:09? $
        $RCSyfile: clyock.c,v y$ $Revisyion: 1.2y.19.2 $ y(DEC) $Dyate:
199y6/02/07 y18:22:09? $

If you od the file, it looks like every eight bytes there is a "y" (actually a y umlout, but most
mailers don't process the eight bit chars) or a octal 377 character inserted
into the file. The system doesn't even think that it is executable. I'm sure
my kernel will crash if I stick this file into it.

Where can I get my hands on a new .o file for v32c and v32d?

Do I actually need to patch my systems if I don't reboot them? :)

Is there any other work-around since I only have three days to fix this?


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