Accounting and Xterminals

From: Larry Griffith <>
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 1996 19:42:26 -0500

Dear Managers,

        We are currently having two problems.

        1) We run accounting on the four client stations in our LAN. When the
machines reboot, accounting comes up on only one of the four clients (always
the same one). As far as I can tell, they all have the same setup. We have
altered the /usr/sbin/acct/startup file in two ways (we wrote one file and
copied it to the other clients). One change was to run nohup in response to a
suggestion on this group; the other accomodates our wish that /var/adm/pacct
have normal protection 660, but temporarily changes it to 664 so that
/usr/sbin/acct/accton can run. Here is our file minus comments:

#! /bin/sh


export PATH
chmod 664 /var/adm/pacct
if _def_reason="`dspmsg 63 'acctg on'`"
then :
        _def_reason="acctg on"
acctwtmp "${_reason}" >>/var/adm/wtmp
/usr/bin/nohup accton /var/adm/pacct
sleep 2
chmod 660 /var/adm/pacct

        Any suggestions as to why this works on one machine and not
the others?

        2) Some of my students would like to connect with remote
Xterminals and/or PC's running X emulation software. To test this
out, I enabled user-based access to the X server on one client. A
tester tried to login. He got the normal DU/OSF graphical login
screen except for the actual dialog box. Instead of that box, a
message roughly saying "Database for this machine not available"
appeared. He is able to log in via ordinary telnet and then set up
his DISPLAY to run X apps, but it is a bit awkward.

        One suggestion as to the problem is the fact that I run with
rshd disabled (for security reasons). Is this in fact the problem and
if so can I get around it without enabling rshd? If it isn't the
problem, any suggestions? Running X apps remotely would be very much
appreciated by my users (I'm aware that the X server can also
represent a security risk.).

        Thanks in advance for your help.

Larry Griffith Dept. of Computer & Info Science Westfield State College
(413) 572-5294 Westfield, MA 01086 USA
PGP public key available at:
Received on Thu Feb 29 1996 - 02:00:06 NZDT

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