Agreed: Leap year clock problem - what problem

From: Michael R. Kline <>
Date: Thu, 29 Feb 1996 08:35:42 -0600

I also see no problem as yet with the date. In fact, I installed the
patch on one of my machines yesterday and tested it. When I tested it,
I could not use the date command to set the date to 2/29, so I decided
to play it by ear. That machine and the ones that I did not patch all
report the correct date.

I'm curious, does anyone at DEC have an explanation for this????? wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have 8 DEC 3000/4000 running DU 3.0 and
> one that is running DU 1.3. All of those systems
> agree that today's date is Feb 29, 1996.
> And no, I didn't install any patch to make this happen.
> So what is the deal with DEC? I spent time on the phone
> with a DEC support rep who told me that my systems
> would report today's date as March 1. He told me that
> I should definitely install these patches. He also said
> that any time I needed to reboot these systems from Feb 29
> thru March 31, I would have to boot to single user mode, set
> the date, and continue on to multiuser mode, or my systems
> would have messed up dates.
> Apparently at least some of this isn't true. This whole issue
> caused undue strain and I'm very unhappy with DEC.
> Is anyone experiencing any problem with today's date?
> Kathy Becker
> NPAC Systems

         Michael R. Kline              
         General Libraries                      Office: (512) 495-4391
         University of Texas at Austin          FAX   : (512) 495-4347
Received on Thu Feb 29 1996 - 16:43:53 NZDT

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